Playboy v Penthouse. Most popular.We have a dinky little application that lets us see what people are searching for when they arrive at this site.
For March the top 15 items were as follows:
1 The Pubic Wars. Lots of interest in the Playboy v Penthouse War of the seventies. More than twice the hits as number two in the list which was:
2 Liz Stewart. Playboy's Playmate of the Month for July 1984.
3 Venus Observations. People who remember the site but can't remember its address.
4 Gloria Root. Another Playboy Playmate but this time from December 1969.
5 Mary-Louise O'Murphy. Boucher's painting of Louis XV's 14 year old mistress (he was 42 at the time).
6 Liv Lindeland. Playboy's first pubic centrefold.
7 Jules- Joseph Lefebvre. French painter of naked women.
8 Hyapatia Lee. Part Cherokee "actress" and model.
9 Syrinx by Arthur Hacker. Victorian painting of doomed nymph.
10 Stephanie McLean. First full frontal Penthouse Pet and wife of Barry Sheene.
11 Marilyn Cole. Only British playmate of the Year.
12 Bonnie Large. We only mentioned her and didn't even put a picture in (must remedy that) but she is obviously popular.
13 Venus of Dolní Věstonice. The World's oldest known ceramic.
14 John Collier. Victorian painter, not the window to watch.
15 Melodye Prentiss. Another Playmate; this time from July 1968.
So quite a lot of Playboy Playmates but then there are a lot on the site. We are pleased by the interest in nineteenth century painters, however. Many more naked women to come in April!
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