You could hardly open a paper or magazine or look at the TV recently without gazing upon the lovely face of Britain's Olympic Gold medal winning sprint cyclist, the splendid Victoria Pendleton (even her name has a wonderful ring to it!).

"Would you like me to adjust your nuts?"

Victoria has admitted being a girly girl who likes to dress up and loook good and since becoming well known she has been sought out by photographers to model in something other than lycra.

Girl next door. If only.
Ignoring the fact that digitally touching up Victoria would not be that much of a hardship others obviously still feel that it is worth the effort.

Notably FHM, who featured her on their cover and inside last month, although reputedly Victoria wasn't paid a penny for the shoot whech seems rather mean of them.

This, needless to say has not gone down well with the grungier cycling activist end of the bike community. Particularly the women who seem very "disappointed" that she has had to sell out to the likes of FHM and can only promote herself on her looks. Oh dear, welcome to the world.

Victoria, at just 5'5" tall is very petite for a track sprinter and makes some pointed comments about the suspciously masculine attributes of some of her rivals.

She is now sought after for advertising work so we hope she makes a lot of money!

We wouldn't bet against her turning up at the Tour de France at some point over the next three weeks either!